=== Users Ultra Membership Plugin===
Contributors: UsersUltra
Donate link: https://usersultra.com/donate.html
Tags: users, password, users community, community, users directory, search, sign up, sign in, login, profiles, subscription, recurring, paypal, publisher, custom, customize, listing, list, drag, drop, widget, post, wp avatar, images, lightbox, social, social network, private, messages, user, members, member, members directory, restrict content, authors, rating, stars, stars, likes, friends, facebook, yahoo, linkedin, google, access-control, user control, access, network, networking, mailchimp, email, membership, packages, csv, import, paid, artist, profile builder, custom fields, front-end users listing, conditional fields, advanced search, users searching box, meta fields, front-end users registration, custom registration page, custom login page, mailing list, users avatar, photo gallery, photo album, restricts content to registered users, premium content, woocommerce, shipping information, sync woocommerce, authentication, OAuth, OAuth for google, google plus signup, access token, twitter, login with twitter, registration with twitter, twitter sign up, twitter authentication, google sign up, google sign in, registration with google, linkedin sign up, linkedin authentication, linkedin login, pricing tables, member, yammer, member registration, member access, user tweet, email newsletter subscribers, mailchimp newsletter, wp user avatar, badges, captcha, medallions, bbpress, email, spam protection, reCaptcha, captcha, robots, models, agency, meta, user meta, fields, importing, extra user fields, front-end login, replace wp login, replace wp registration, widgets, users table, wordrpess registration, facebook avatar, gravatar, members, instagram login, instagram sign in, groups
Requires at least: 3.0.1
Tested up to: 4.3
Stable tag: 1.5.44
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Users Ultra is the ideal plugin for creating advanced user communities & networks in few minutes. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Google.
== Description ==
Users Ultra is the ideal tool for creating advanced user communities in few minute. Building a talents community, model agency websites, social communities and any kind of user websites is really fast. It can be intregrated in any WordPress Theme. You can add as many fields as you wish by using the Fields Customizer Tool and it comes with reCaptcha.
When it comes to ease of use, Users Ultra comes in first. Users Communities and Social Networking Websites are incredibly simple to build. All the modules are customizable, even if you don't know how to code, and they're minimalist enough that a few minor changes make them look unique to you. Users Ultra handles One-Time and Recurrent Payments.
Free Modules:
The free version of Users Ulra includes the following features:
- Social Connects.
- MailChimp.
- Auto Sync with WooCommerce.
- WooCommerce Order Status Module.
- Private Messages.
- Front-end Publisher With Multi-Photo Uploader.
- Post/Page Protection. Logged in Bassed.
- Partial Content Protection. Membership Bassed.
- Paypal Membership System. Recurring & One-time Billing.
- User Reviews - Allow users to rate & review each other using a 5 star rate/review system
- reCaptcha spam protection.
- Password Strength.
Demo Links:
- Display Fields by User Role Only. You can Select Roles that can see it.
- Make Fields Editable by User Role Only. You can Select Roles that can edit it.
- New Features Every Week.
- Integrate with third-party plugins
- Use any shortcodes in the user's profile
- Medallions and Fulfillments.
- Use any shortcodes in the user's dashboard.
- Create Unlimited Widgets.
- Add Unlimited Links to the User's Dashboard.
- Membership Packages & Registration Form with Roles. Users can select a role when registering.
- Set Custom Role on Registration.
- Set Custom Role for Social Media Registration.
- bbPress Integration. Users Ultra Pro makes your forum look much more elegant.
- User Online/Offline Status.
- Social Connect Buttons. (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Instagram)
- Multisite Support.
- Advanced Users Management. Find your users easily. Send activation link, deny/approver users. Upgrade and Downgrade User's Membership and more.
- Minor Tweaks Support.
- SMTP and Mandrill Emails.
- Front End Publisher With Multiple Images.
- Elegant Customizable Users Profile.
- Custom Profile Background for every profile.
- Multiple User's Profile.
- Spam Protection. IP Blocking. Simple way to stop fake account spam!
- Advanced CSV Users Import Module.
- reCaptcha. It protects your website from spam !
- Users Wall.
- Groups.
- Facebook, Gravatar and Custom User's Avatar.
- and so much more ...
Common Shortcodes:
Here there are some useful shortocodes that will help you to start your online community in minutes.
Registration Form:
[usersultra_registration] - This will display the registration form
Login Form:
[usersultra_login] - This will display the login form
My Account:
[usersultra_my_account] - This will display the user's account
Users Directory:
[usersultra_directory] - This will display the users directory
User Profile:
[usersultra_profile optional_fields_to_display='age,country,social'] - This will display the user's profile
How To Links?:
Create a New Profile Field
Activating Paid Membership Module
How To Override the WP Registration & Login Pages
Facebook Login & Registration
Instagram Login & Registration
Google Plus Login & Registration
Twitter Login & Registration
Creating Communities and Networking Websites:
Users Ultra not only includes common features for managing members but it includes a lot of other features that will help build member driven communities with no need to know how to code. Users Ultra has been created to provide powerful tools for the website builder who may be beginning and may not be an expert with WordPress and for professionals who know how to code.
Basic knowledge of how to set up WordPress and install, activate and set up plugins and themes is recommended.
Users Ultra can handle almost all aspects of a powerful community website because it includes features such as: Private Messaging System, Friends, Like/Unlike, Photos, Galleries, Front End Posting (default posts), Stars Rating, basic Membership Management with PayPal integration and many more features for free.
Importing users with custom meta from a CSV file:
You can import users by using the powerful importing tool that comes with the plugin. It doesn't matter how many extra fields you would like to import, Users Ultra will import all of them automatically.
The only thing you have to do is creating a CSV file separated by commas; this can be easily done by using any standard spreadsheet software.
Certainly, the improvement of this feature will give you more flexibility when importing users through Users Ultra. Migrating to Users Ultra is easier now!
Spam and Robot Protection:
Now Users Ultra Lite includes reCaptcha spam protection. Yes, now with Users Ultra you can protect your website against robots for free.
Mobile Devices Compatible:
Users Ultra looks great on any mobile device. It has been developed by using the latest HTML5 and CSS standards in order to make Users Ultra look good at any resolution. It doesn't matter what screen size your user is seeing your website, Users Ultra will look excellent and user friendly always.
Paypal Membership System:
The plugin can be used to manage large communities of either free or paid subscribers. You can create as many packages as you wish with some limitations such as: how many photos, galleries to each package. The Users Ultra Membership module allows you to accept either one-time payments or recurring payment through Paypal.
Since it uses Paypal, you could create almost any type of billing period such as: monthly, yearly, daily. We hope you enjoy this great feature to manage your Paid Membership Packages.
The MailChimp feature allows you to quickly and easily add your new subscribers in your MailChimp list without any confirmation email.
Password Strength:
You can help protect your users' accounts by managing and monitoring the strength of their passwords.
- Set Minimum password length.
- Set if must contain at least one number and one letter.
- Set if must contain at least one upper case character.
- Set if must contain at least one lower case character
Social Connects
Optional you can let users sign up & login by using the following social media options:
- Facebook
- Google Plus
- Yahoo
- Twitter
- LinkedIn
- Instagram
- Yammer
Protecting content based on Membership Package & Logged in:
The plugin comes with an easy to use shortcode that allows you to protect content based on logged in and membership packages. This means that you can publish content that will be visible only for paid users. For example: you can publish content for gold members which will not be visible for silver members. Users Ultra allows you to protect entire pages and posts and display custom "blocking" messages to not logged in users.
- Make visible entire Pages and Posts only to logged in users.
- Display partial content only to logged in user.s
- Display partial content only to certain membership packages.
CSV Users Import
This great feature allows you to import users into the Users Ultra System easily through a CSV file. You may also to notify users once the importing process has been finished. Besides, you can set a default status for the imported users.
Auto Sync with WooCommerce
Syncing with WooCommerce will automatically add WooCommerce customer profile fields to your Users Ultra Plugin. A quick way to have a WooCommerce account page integrated with Users Ultra. This great feature allows users to manage their Shipping Information through Users Ultra instead of using the default WooCommerce profile page. Users Ultra lets you sync the user's shipping and contact information of WooCommerce in just one click.
WooCommerce Order Status Module.
Users Ultra allows your clients to check the status of their orders online through the elegant user's backend. This is an easy and professional way to let your customer know about the status of their purchases. Your clients will be able to check the last modified data, order total, creation date and order's status.
Twitter Login & Authentication with OAuth
Users Ultra lets your users sign in and sign up by using their Twitter accounts with just one click. Integrating Twitter Login will increase your sign in/sign up conversion. Also, you will be able to share user activities, drive traffic to your site from social network sites, and increase user engagement on your site.
Terms & Conditions Text/HTML
Now you can display a checkbox that the user should accept in order to continue with the registration.
Besides, Users Ultra allows you to post an automated message right after the subscription.
Private Messages System For WordPress
Users Ultra comes with a powerful private messaging system that allows users to send messages to other members of the user's community.
The users panel has a modern, easy to use messages board with "read bubble" notifications. Also, when viewing a message the users will see a well-organized conversation. Deleting a message can be done with just a click. Marking messages as read/unread is done by using AJAX.
Besides, each message will display the user's avatar and there is an "received" and "sent" messages box that will help you to keep your messages organized easily.
Front-end Publisher
Allows your users to add new posts within a category by using a "nice" publisher in the users backend. The post will keep as "pending" until the admin has approved it.
Conditional Search Fields:
Users Ultra allows you to place a powerful search box to filter your users by using a simple shortocode. The searching form is fully responsive and can be placed anywhere in your WordPress Theme.
You can filter your users by using any amount of conditional fields such as: country, age, gender, name etc. The Users Searching function was developed by using the "WP_User_Query" class, this avoid overloading the database. Also, we have implemented innovating cache methodology that makes browsers load faster.
Sync old users to make them work with Users Ultra?
Users Ultra comes with a One-click sync tool that prepare your previous users to make them work with this Users Plugin.
Amazing Pricing Tables with Shortcodes:
Users Ultra gives you an easy way to generate pricing and/or comparison tables. You may choice multiple colors and they look very elegant. Generating Pricing Tables for your membership packages can be done by using shortocodes. You just need to input the Plan's ID and everything will be filled out automatically. You don't need to write the package's name or the price, everything happens automatically and handled by Users Ultra. The Pricing Tables are generated by using pure CSS3 and HTML.
Redirection after user login, logout and registration.
Admin approval, user activation or deactivation
Allow admin to approve user upon registration and activate or deactivate any user, any time.
E-mail verification
Verify user email in order to activate a new user.
Customize Email Template
Customize user registration, activation, deactivation, lostpassword etc emailsa.
Key Features:
Paid Membership Features.
- Admin has the capability to set free membership or paid memberships.
- Admin can create unlimited membership packages.
- Admin can set one-time or recurring payments.
- Admin can set the membership duration.
Social One-Click Connects
- Facebook
- Google
- Yahoo
- LinkedIn
- Instagram
Private Messaging System:
- Users can send private messages to other members.
- Users can reply messages.
- Users can delete & marks as read messages.
- Users can block “senders”.
Photos & Galleries:
- Users can create Multiple Photo Galleries.
- Users can sort galleries and photos by “drag&drop”.
- Users can set public, non-public and private photo galleries.
- Users can set a main picture to each gallery.
- Users can set a main picture to be used in the public profile.
Drag & Drop Multi-Uploader
- Users can upload either one or multiple photos.
Promotion Options
- Capability to promote one or multiple users by using one of the Elegant Spotlights.
- Capability to promote one Photo/Work by using a shortcode.
5 Stars Rating System:
- Users can rate users.
- Users can rate individual photos.
- Users can rate galleries.
Detailed Stats:
- Daily User Stats
- Daily Gallery stats
- Daily Photo stats
Top Rated Features:
- Shortcode to display top rated photos
- Shortcode to display top rated galleries
- Shortcode to display top rated users
Most Visited:
- Shortcode to diplay most visited users.
- Shortcode to display most visited galleries
- Shortcode to display most visited photos.
Youtube & Vimeo Videos
- Users can include in their profile videos from Youtube.
- Users can include in their profile Vimeo Videos.
User’s Avatar:
- Users can upload a custom avatar.
- Drag&Drop avatar uploader.
- Users can use Gravatar
- Users can use a main picture as avatar
Translations Included:
Special Thanks to:
James H. Twitter account @g0blinResearch
== Installation ==
1. Upload `users-ultra` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= How do I use the plugin? =
Users Ultra comes with an easy to use shortcodes button. This means that you can activate your registration and login forms by going to Pages/Add New:
= Can I Add Multiple Membership Packages? =
Yes, you can add as many paid packages as you wish. Users ultra allows you to create both, recurring and one-time payment membership
= Can I Restric Content? =
Yes, the plugin comes with shortocodes to protect content and you can protect an entire page or post.
= Is there an online documentation? =
Yes, http://usersultra.com/doc.html
= Do you offer free support? =
Yes, http://www.usersultra.com/support/
= Do you offer a PRO version? =
Yes, http://usersultra.com/users-pro.html
These are just some of the features the pro includes:
- Priority Support.
- New Features Every Week.
- Medallions and Fulfillments.
- Membership Packages & Registration Form with Roles. Users can select a role when registering.
- bbPress Integration. Users Ultra Pro makes your forum look much more elegant.
- User Online/Offline Status.
- Social Connect Buttons. (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn)
- Multisite Support.
- Advanced Users Management. Find your users easily. Send activation link, deny/approver users. Upgrade and Downgrade User's Membership and more.
- Minor Tweaks Support.
- Front End Publisher With Multiple Images.
- Elegant Customizable Users Profile
- Custom Profile Background for every profile.
- Entire Posts & Pages Protection.
- Users Wall.
- and so much more ...
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 1.0 =
Initial release.
== Screenshots ==
1. Private Messaging Box With Emoticons ONLY FOR PRO
2. Widgetized Users Profile ONLY FOR PRO
3. Medallions and Fulfillments ONLY FOR PRO
4. Powerful Private Messaging System
5. Advanced Dashboard
6. Front-End Post Publisher
7. Profile Fields Customizer
8. Add New Posts
9. Drag&Drop Photo Uploading
10. Dahsboard
== Changelog ==
= 1.5.44(09-07-2015) =
* Improvement - Compatibility with multi-language plugins. This allows you to set the profile slug as sub page.
* Improvement - Multi-select and radio buttons improvements for Windows server.
* Improvement - Database queries, we have improved the database performance saving some sql sentences. This will have a positive impact on the plugin's performance.
= 1.5.43(09-03-2015) =
* Improvement - Warning messages on WP 4.3. On some WP installations some warning messages are being displayed when activating the plugin. Please update.
= 1.5.42(08-31-2015) =
* Improvement - Option that allows users to delete posts.
* Improvement - Spanish language updated.
* Improvement - German language updated.
= 1.5.41(08-26-2015) =
* Improvement - Date format issue on latest version of php.
= 1.5.40(08-26-2015) =
* Improvement - Warning messages on WP 4.3 issue. The warning messages are displayed in the userultra.woocommerce.php file.
= 1.5.39(08-24-2015) =
* Improvement - Warning messages on WP 4.3 issue. Please udpate ASAP if you're using WP 4.3
* Improvement - Instagram API update.
= 1.5.38(08-20-2015) =
* Improvement - We have tweaked the plugin in order to make it compatible with WP 4.3.
* Improvement - MailChimp API tweaks.
* Improvement - CSS datepicker improvements.
= 1.5.37(08-15-2015) =
* Improvement - Spanish language updated
* Improvement - Portuguese language updated.
* Improvement - LinkedIn API updated.
* Improvement - Css tweak for premium theme on themeforest.
= 1.5.36(08-10-2015) =
* Improvement - Password is not being sent on registration email for security reason anymore.
* Improvement - Translation files were updated.
= 1.5.35(08-05-2015) =
* Improvement - Facebook Authentication has been improved. The Facebook API has changed and we had to tweak the code. $user_profile = $facebook->api('/me','GET') has been changed for $user_profile = $facebook->api('/me?fields=id,name,email','GET')
= 1.5.34(08-04-2015) =
* Improvement - Undefined variable issue, check details here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/undefined-variable-26?replies=2
* Improvement - Spanish language updated.
* Improvement - Portuguese language updated.
= 1.5.33(07-30-2015) =
* Improvement - Paragraphs issue on Private Message system
* Improvement - SSL warning messages removed.
= 1.5.32(07-27-2015) =
* Improvement - Due some complaints we ended up including the password in the welcome email when the users register. Before UU displayed "(same used when registered)".
* Improvement - Tipsy tooltips on Admin Dasbhboard Improvement.
= 1.5.31(07-19-2015) =
* Improvement - Private messaging module improvement.
* Improvement - CSS style sheets improvement.
= 1.5.30(07-15-2015) =
* Improvement - PostMan Plugin Compatibility https://wordpress.org/support/topic/conflict-with-postman-smtp?replies=14
= 1.5.29(07-10-2015) =
* Improvement - Plugin conflict with postman SMTP. Check details here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/conflict-with-postman-smtp?replies=14
= 1.5.28(07-07-2015) =
* Improvement - Issue when using the third-party emailer method, we have tweaked the coding a little bit, the script was triggering a error if the user wasn't providing a valid email address.
* Improvement - Add-on Maintenance has been improved.
= 1.5.27(07-03-2015) =
* Improvement - Issue with the Private Messaging Module. There was an issue with large messages, by using the default WP sanitize_text_field() was removing the line breaks. We have tweaked and the line breaks are not removed anymore.
* Improvement - Facebook API Update. Check details here here: Users Ultra Forums
= 1.5.26(06-30-2015) =
* Improvement - More improvements on the CSS and JS loading.
* Improvement - Improvements on CSV Importing Tool.
* Improvement - Tweaks for mobiles on a premium WP Theme.
* Improvement - Spanish language improved.
* Improvement - French language improved.
= 1.5.25(06-28-2015) =
* Improvement - Users Directory Sort By ASC and DESC options tweaks.
= 1.5.24(06-24-2015) =
* Bug Fix - Issue with Friend Request. Check details of this issue here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/adding-friends-problem/
* Improvement - More CSS tweak for the registration and login form. Check details here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/latest-update-distorts-login-registration-pages?replies=8. Please update ASAP.
= 1.5.23(06-21-2015) =
* Improvement - CSS tweak for the registration and login form. Check details here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/latest-update-distorts-login-registration-pages?replies=8. Please update ASAP.
= 1.5.22(06-20-2015) =
* Improvement - We've improved the CSS loading speed. Now, the there are only two CSS files and we will try to use only just one minified CSS style. We're doing the same with the JS files. Pleaes update
= 1.5.21(06-16-2015) =
* Improvement - CSS and JS files loading issue. We've minified the css files due the complaing posted by this user https://wordpress.org/support/topic/too-many-scripts-and-css-loading?replies=3#post-. Please update, clean your temp files, browser history and cookies.
= 1.5.20(06-15-2015) =
* Improvement - WooCommerce Sync Updates.
* Improvement - Private Messaging System Improved.
= 1.5.19(06-12-2015) =
* Improvement - Language files were updated with the new strings.
* Improvement - Tipsy tooltip updated.
* Improvement - Style files were minified in order to improve the load speed.
= 1.5.18(06-08-2015) =
* Improvement - Issue with multiple choices on the search box. Please update ASAP if you're using drop/down choices on the search box. Check details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/searchbox-does-not-work/
= 1.5.17(06-07-2015) =
* Improvement - Rusian Language.
= 1.5.16(06-04-2015) =
* Bug Fix - Possible Security vulnerability on "rating" module. Please update ASAP.
* Improvement - Hungarian Language.
= 1.5.15(05-31-2015) =
* Improvement - Language files update.
* Bug Fix - We have fixed some minor bugs caused with the last WP version.
= 1.5.14(05-27-2015) =
* Improvement - Members Directory Search Improved.
* Improvement - CSS datepicker improvements.
= 1.5.13(05-22-2015) =
* Improvement - Instagram Issue. Check details here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/get_instagram_auth_url-missing?replies=1. Please update ASAP.
= 1.5.12(05-16-2015) =
* New Feature - The "Re-Type" email field has been added in the registration form.
* Improvements - PayPal Improvements.
= 1.5.11(05-13-2015) =
* Improvements - Dashboard for mobile improvements.
* Improvements - Dashboard displays a "wait" message when loading large amount of users.
* Improvements - UU Shortcodes button on the HTML editor has been improved for the latest version of WP.
= 1.5.10(05-11-2015) =
* Improvements - Multisite Improvements.
* Improvements - Facebook API updated. Please update the plugin ASAP the FB API has changed and we had to tweak the plugin. If you don't update you might start seeing a notice message when trying to authenticate through Facebook.
* Improvements - CSS minified. We've tweaked the front-end styles so the plugin will load faster.
= 1.5.09(05-10-2015) =
* Improvements - UU Admin Dashboard improvements for mobile.
* Improvements - All language files were updated.
= 1.5.08(05-08-2015) =
* Improvements - Facebook Authentication API has been upated. Please update your plugin ASAP.
* Improvements - Feature that blocks the Private messaging option for non paid users has been improved.
= 1.5.07(05-07-2015) =
* Improvements - Facebook Authentication API has been upated. Please update your plugin ASAP.
* Improvements - Logged in pages and posts protection module has been improved. Please update.
= 1.5.06(05-06-2015) =
* New Feature - The package name is being included in the notification email that's being sent to the admin when a payment is made with paypal.
* Bug Fix - Issue with Paypal payments and admin notification. Please update ASAP.
* Improvements - Users Ultra has been translated to Japan language. Thanks to Evange http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/japan-language-translation-files/.
= 1.5.05(05-04-2015) =
* Improvements - We've improved the UU Dashboard for mobile.
* New Feature - New option in shortcode to disable messaging for non-paid members. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/disable-messaging-for-non-paid-members?replies=2
= 1.5.04(04-30-2015) =
* New Feature - Hebrew language has been added.
= 1.5.03(04-28-2015) =
* Improvement - Please update, new tweaks for WP 4.2.
* Improvement - Instagram API updated.
= 1.5.02(04-25-2015) =
* Improvement - New WP version 4.2 tweaks. Please update ASAP.
* Improvement - CSS Tweaks, we have removed the shadows from the photo grid in order to make it look much more modern.
= 1.5.01(04-24-2015) =
* Improvement - Language files were updated.
* Improvement - CSS style sheets have been optimized.
* Improvement - Paypal IPN tweaks. We highly recommend updating yor plugin if you're using the paid membership features.
= 1.5.00(04-22-2015) =
* Improvement - Issue on whole page protection has been resolved. Please update.
= 1.4.99(04-21-2015) =
* New Feature - Admin users won't be able to close their own account through their user's profile. We have implemented some controls so an admin user is not able to close her/his account through Users Ultra. This has been implemented because we received a couple of complaints about admins that deleted their own account.
* New Feature - You can help protect your users' accounts by managing and monitoring the strength of their passwords. Check details on the following link http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/introducing-password-strength-settings/
* Improvement - Users that are not support admin won't be able to see the UU shortcodes in the WP HTML editor. Check details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/shortcode-issue/
* Improvement - Facebook class conflict with s2members plugin. Check the details on the following link http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/presale-question-re-facebook-error/.
= 1.4.98(04-19-2015) =
* New Feature - Issue with remove_script_tags when using the custom message after the user regitration. Please update ASAP.
= 1.4.97(04-18-2015) =
* New Feature - Show a custom text message when users complete the registration process. This option is in Settings - Registration Tab.
* New Feature - Show a text/HTML content under success message when users complete the registration process. This option is in Settings - Registration Tab.
= 1.4.96(04-17-2015) =
* Improvements - Security issue on user's galleries, please udpate ASAP.
= 1.4.95(04-15-2015) =
* Improvements - Option to protect content based on user's role shortcode has been improved. Please update.
* Improvements - The max upload files limite has been removed from the lite version. Now, you can upload many pitctures when creating a post by using the UU Front-end Publisher.
= 1.4.94(04-13-2015) =
* New Feature - New option to protect partial content based on user's roles. Details here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/how-to-set-private-content-for-user-roles. Examples here http://doc.usersultra.com/protect-content/
= 1.4.93(04-12-2015) =
* Improvements - Issue with stats.
* Improvements - Posts and Pages protection feature has been tweaked.
= 1.4.92(04-10-2015) =
* Improvements - The new feature to protect entire pages and posts has been improved. Please update
* Improvements - All language files were updated.
= 1.4.91(04-09-2015) =
* New Feature - Now you can protect an entire page or post with Users Ultra. You will see the new settings on the Settings tab. The restricted page or post will be visible to logged in users only. You will see the checkbox that will let you protect the entire page in the WP HTML editor. Please note: You have to activate this feature in the Settings module. Enjoy!
= 1.4.90(04-08-2015) =
* Improvement - Fields Customizer Tweak. Please check details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/image-upload-doesnt-work/
= 1.4.89(04-07-2015) =
* Bug Fix - Front-End Publisher warning message was being displayed in the screen. We have tweaked the code. Please udpate.
= 1.4.88(04-06-2015) =
* New Feature - Major Improvements have been added to the Front-End Publisher. Check the details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/post-pictures-and-main-thumbnail/ and here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/membersusers-post-image-uploads-issue?replies=2
= 1.4.87(04-06-2015) =
* Bug Fix - Please update. The icon to "My Messages" was appearing twice. We have fixed it.
= 1.4.86(04-05-2015) =
* Improvement- Front-End Publisher has been improved. Please update ASAP
* New Feature- New add-on has been integrate. It includes some useful maintenance features. Details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/user-directory-shows-0-on-other-pages/
* New Feature- Delete/Clean unused user meta data.
* New Feature- Clean UU Stats. User views, photo views, gallery vies
* New Feature- Clean UU Transients.
* New Feature- Clean UU Ratings.
= 1.4.85(04-04-2015) =
* Improvement- The "likes" & "rating" system modules have been improved. Check details of this improvement here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/rating-system-not-working/
= 1.4.84(04-03-2015) =
* Improvement- Special css tweaks for premium theme. Details here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/login-page-cursor-problem?replies=6#post-6778505
= 1.4.83(04-02-2015) =
* Improvement- Mobile version has been improved for the user's profile. Example can bee seen here http://usersultra.com/userultra/profile/ada/.
* Improvement- Responsive styles were moved to the main style sheet, this will make UU load faster.
* Improvement- Many users asked us to remove the old fashion shadows from the borders, now the user's profile looks much more modern.
= 1.4.82(03-31-2015) =
* Improvement- All the languages have been updated.
* Improvement- Issue with most visited users.
= 1.4.81(03-31-2015) =
* Improvement- Most Visited users shortcode tweak. Details here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/most-visited-users?replies=3
= 1.4.80(03-30-2015) =
* Improvement- Logut shortcode tweak.
* Improvement- Shortcodes improvements.
* Improvement- CSS styles sheets size reduced.
= 1.4.79(03-28-2015) =
* Improvement- Important coding improvement. We received some complaints about the user's profile being loaded outside the body tags. We tweaked the coding, please update ASAP.
* Improvement- Compatibility with permium theme, Engine Theme. Details on the following link http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/engine-theme-profile-page-problem/
= 1.4.78(03-27-2015) =
* Improvement- Coding clean up.
* Improvement- Spanish language udpated.
* Improvement- French language udpated.
* Improvement- German language udpated.
= 1.4.77(03-25-2015) =
* Improvement- Avatar Issue. Check details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/profile-images-missing/
* Improvement- Warning messages were removed when using debug mode. Details here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/undefined-variable-19?replies=1
= 1.4.76(03-22-2015) =
* Improvement- Issue with after login hook. Check the updated documentation here http://doc.usersultra.com/user-after-login-hook/. Check details of this issue here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/is-registered-hook?replies=5
= 1.4.75(03-22-2015) =
* New Feature - We have added a new option that allows admin to block certain modules for certain users. Details on the following link https://wordpress.org/support/topic/disable-my-account-page-profile-directory-for-specific-users?replies=4
= 1.4.74(03-19-2015) =
* Improvements - More Improvements for Yahoo Authentication. Click on the following link to see details http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/yahoo-registration-login-is-not-working/. Please update ASAP if you're having a similar issue.
= 1.4.73(03-19-2015) =
* Improvements - We have improved the Yahoo Sign up options. Although, this is a server issue and it has to do with some WP installation we ended up adding a solution which will help the few people having this issue. Click on the following link to see details http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/yahoo-registration-login-is-not-working/. Please update ASAP if you're having a similar issue.
= 1.4.72(03-18-2015) =
* Improvements - We have improved the Google and Twitter Sign up options. Click on the following link to see details http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/no-twitter-or-google-login/
= 1.4.71(03-17-2015) =
* New Feature - A new option that sends the whole Paypal IPN response to the admin has been implemented. Check details here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/email-and-processing?replies=12
* Improvement - All language files were updated.
= 1.4.70(03-16-2015) =
* Improvement - Issue with Sync users. Check details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/syncing-users/#post-13493
= 1.4.69(03-14-2015) =
* Improvement - Issue with Paypal IPN
* Improvement - All Language files were updated.
= 1.4.68(03-13-2015) =
* Bug Fix - Country list issue. Please check details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/country-selection-list-disappears-with-each-save/#post-13432
= 1.4.67(03-12-2015) =
* New Feature - New feature asked by one of our users that allow guests like other users without being logged in. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/likes-has-to-login-only-option?replies=1
* Improvement - Issue with lightbox. Check details here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/lightbox-layer-1?replies=2
= 1.4.66(03-11-2015) =
* Bug Fix - There was an issue with the predefined options when creating a new field. Check details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/bug-with-user-can-hide-option-for-age-field-on-registration-page/. Please update since there has been some changes on WP 4.1 that might affect the plugin.
= 1.4.65(03-09-2015) =
* Improvement - Updgrad to pro message issue. We have fixed it. Please update ASAP. This is not a bug, however, we understand this may be an annoying message.
* Improvement - All the language files were updated.
= 1.4.64(03-09-2015) =
* New Feature - Search function within the Orders module has been improved. Now it loads faster.
* New Feature - Option to delete the plugin information has been added when uninstalling it. This setting is in the Setting tab and it's turned off by defaut.
= 1.4.63(03-06-2015) =
* Improvements - All Social Media features were updated. Some API changed and we tweaked the plugin.
* Improvements - Auto-sync when user is already in the database. Details on the following topic. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/when-users-already-registered-login-fails-but-no-message?replies=1
= 1.4.62(03-05-2015) =
* Improvements - Issue with required fileds.
* Bug Fix - Not translatable text "with" in social media buttons.
* Bug Fix - Paypal IPN tweak. There was an issue with the transaction # sent back to UU from paypal. Please update ASAP.
* Improvements - All language files were updated.
= 1.4.61(03-03-2015) =
* Improvements - Friends count issue. We have tweaked the SQL sentences a little bit. There was an issue with the calcuation of the user's total friends.
= 1.4.60(03-02-2015) =
* Improvements - Email notifications when using the "link confirmation" method has been remove. We received some complaints about the notification steps. So.. the admin won't receive an email when "Link confirmation" method is active. http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/having-problems-with-users-verifying-own-accounts/
= 1.4.59(03-01-2015) =
* Improvements - Instagram Login feature has been improved.
* New Feature - Capability to set a minimalistic registration form. The users wont' be asked for a password but UU will generate a random password which will be emailed to the user.
= 1.4.58(02-27-2015) =
* Improvements - WooCommerce tweaks. We have implemented some tweaks in the plugin due some changes on WooCommerce 2.3.5.
= 1.4.57(02-25-2015) =
* New Feature - Instagram Login and Registration option has been added to UU Lite. http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/instagram-login/
= 1.4.56(02-23-2015) =
* Improvement - Uninstall plugin hook has been removed. We ended up removing this feature due some complaints when the users ugraded to pro version.
* New Feature - Option to disable UU messaging system and use a third-party email sender. Check details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/users-ultra-lite-is-conflicting-with-mail-programmes/
* Improvement - Uninstall plugin hook has been removed. We ended up removing this feature due some complaints when the users ugraded to pro version.
* New Feature - Option to disable UU messaging system and use a third-party email sender. Check details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/users-ultra-lite-is-conflicting-with-mail-programmes/
= 1.4.55(02-20-2015) =
* Improvement - Logout issue. There was an issue with the logout shortcode.
= 1.4.54(02-18-2015) =
* Improvement - Portugues and Brasilian language update. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/portuguese-translation-complete?replies=15
* Improvement - Admin Shortcode buttons were improved. There were some blank spaces between the shortcodes that caused some issues in certain preimium themes.
= 1.4.53(02-16-2015) =
* Improvement - Issue with LinkedIn Sign up count. Check details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/linkedin-sign-up-yet-not-available-on-the-site/
= 1.4.52(02-15-2015) =
* Improvement - Issue with category drop/down. This is a strange issue and it happens only with some premium themes. Check details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/category-drop-down-menu/
= 1.4.51(02-13-2015) =
* Bug Fix - Please update again. There was an issue with the recent features we have implemented. Thanks
= 1.4.50(02-13-2015) =
* New Feature - Option to redirect users to My account page when clicking on the log in link. Check details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/login-redirect/
* New Feature - Option to redirect users to My account page when clicking on registration link.
* New Feature - Capability to display the users directory to logged in users only. This can be done by using a new option in the shortcode. Check the following link to see details http://doc.usersultra.com/members-directory/
* Improvement - Language files were updated.
= 1.4.49(02-13-2015) =
* Improvement - LinkedIn API updates. Recently, we have received some messages from LinkedIn. LinkedIn announced some significant changes to our Developer Program that will likely affect your LinkedIn API access.
= 1.4.48(02-11-2015) =
* Improvement - Yammer and other social login features were updated.
= 1.4.47(02-10-2015) =
* Improvement - JS files update. Due some conflict with some premium themes we had to improve the JS coding a little bit.
* Improvement - reCaptcha lib tweaks.
= 1.4.46(02-09-2015) =
* Improvement - "jQuery" & "$" issue has been resolved. There were some JS conflicts with some themes.
= 1.4.45(02-08-2015) =
* Improvement - Stats calculation tweaks for photos, galleries and users.
* Improvement - Code clean up in order to make the plugin load faster.
* Improvement - ASCI characters issues for French language.
* Improvement - All the language files were updated.
* Improvement - Tweaks for Paypal IPN module.
= 1.4.44(02-07-2015) =
* Improvement - Paypal orders class was tweaked and optimized.
* Improvement - Tipsy tool tip plugin has been updated.
= 1.4.43(02-06-2015) =
* Improvement - Front-End publiher conflict with third-party plugins and themes. Check details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/category-drop-down-bug/
* Improvement - New Country Flags were added to the plugin. Now, they look much more moder with flat style.
= 1.4.42(02-05-2015) =
* Improvement - New tweaks for the WP Avatar feature. This is a new feature and we want to make sure it works well for you guys. We have tweaked the coding once again this day. Check details here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/add-profile-picture-in-theme-my-login?replies=8
= 1.4.41(02-05-2015) =
* Improvement - Default WP Avatar enhancement. Please update ASAP.
= 1.4.40(02-05-2015) =
* Bug Fix - We have tweaked the coding because it looks like the previous version wasn't uploaded correclty. Please udpate ASAP.
= 1.4.39(02-05-2015) =
* New Feature - WP Override Avatar feature has been implemented. This will let Users Ultra handles the avatar and it will be displayed through all the website. Check details here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/add-profile-picture-in-theme-my-login?replies=8
= 1.4.38(02-04-2015) =
* Improvement - We have improved the coding once again due some changes on WP 4.1. Thanks for you understanding, please update your plugin.
= 1.4.37(02-02-2015) =
* Improvement - More tweak in order to avoid some "possible" vulnerability.
= 1.4.36(02-02-2015) =
* Improvement - We've tweaked the coding due a vulnerability with Photo categories module. Please update ASAP
= 1.4.35(02-01-2015) =
* Improvement - Quick fix that we had to implement due an issue when upgrading the plugin. Please update ASAP.
= 1.4.34(02-01-2015) =
* Improvement - Option to disable modules has been improved for WP 4.1. Here are the details http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/i-return-to-the-deactivation-of-photos-and-videos-on-profile/
= 1.4.33(01-31-2015) =
* New Feature - New custom feature asked by one of our clients. Now it's possible to feature certain users with particular meta fields. Details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/featured-by-metadata/
* Improvement - Image proporting issue when using lightbox galleries. Click on the following link to see details http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/image-proportion-on-gallery-images/. Click on the following link to see the documentation http://doc.usersultra.com/featured-users/
= 1.4.32(01-30-2015) =
* Improvement - Mod-rewriting rules feature was improved. Please check details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/theme-issues-while-viewing-profiles/. Please update ASAP
= 1.4.31(01-29-2015) =
* Improvement - Coding has been tweaked so the final zip files is not that "big". Some people were having issues on shared hosting wiht low performance. So.. made the zip file smaller.
* Improvement - Stats module was tweaked. Although, we were controlling the IP number we had to tweak this feature even more.
* Improvement - Some words were not being translated within the Membership tab. We rebuilt the mo and po files. Please update.
= 1.4.30(01-28-2015) =
* Improvement - Age range has been increased. Now it's from 15-100 years
* Improvement - Language files update. Thanks to https://wordpress.org/support/profile/mauromascarenhas
= 1.4.29(01-27-2015) =
* Improvement - Please update ASAP. We've tweaked the Permalink feature for 4.1. We received some complaints about the profile link.
= 1.4.28(01-27-2015) =
* New Feature - Login form shortcode has been improved. Check details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/customizing-login-page/
* Improvement - Language Files have been updated.
= 1.4.27(01-26-2015) =
* Bug Fix - We've fixed and issue with LinkedIn sign up. The API changed a little bit so we updated the coding.
* Bug Fix - There were blank spaces in the WP HTML Editor Shortcodes button. This was causing some issues.
* Improvement - Some characters were not translatables into Franch language.
= 1.4.26(01-23-2015) =
* New Feature - New option to customize the registration page have been added. check details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/question-on-customizing-registration-page/
= 1.4.25(01-22-2015) =
* Improvement - We have tweaked the CSS stylesheet due some css clash with premium themes.
* Improvement - Language Files have been updated.
= 1.4.24(01-21-2015) =
* Improvement - Issue with Package name has been resolved. Details here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/payment-information-color-issues?replies=9#post-6463355
* New Feature - Capability to set a custom header to be used when MailChipm is activate. Check details on the following link http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/registration-form-mailchimp-text-receive-daily-updates/
= 1.4.23(01-20-2015) =
* Improvement - Coding improvement, issue with checkbox has been fixed.
= 1.4.22(01-19-2015) =
* Improvement - Language files update.
* Improvement - Coding Improvements.
= 1.4.21(01-18-2015) =
* Improvement - CSS style sheet cleaning up.
* Improvement - New look for checkbox and radio butions. We've removed some shadows now they look much more moderns.
= 1.4.20(01-17-2015) =
* New Feature - Capability to set a custom "text header" for the registration form. http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/question-on-customizing-registration-page/#post-10617 . The documentation is here http://doc.usersultra.com/registration-form/.
* Improvement - Language files have been updated.
= 1.4.19(01-15-2015) =
* Improvement - Issue with "textdomain" has been resolved. Just a few improvements for WP 4.1
= 1.4.18(01-14-2015) =
* Bug Fix - Issue with display_name. Details on the following link. http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/2-issues-with-display_name/
= 1.4.17(01-14-2015) =
* Improvement - delete users on network. http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/probleme-sur-reset-link-and-delete-user/
* Improvement - New Language has been added. Now UU has been translated to Brasilian and Portugues.
* Improvement - hide from public issue.
= 1.4.16(01-11-2015) =
* Improvement - reCaptcha tweak for SSL. Details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/recaptcha-problem/
* Improvement - date picker background color issue.
= 1.4.15(01-09-2015) =
* Improvement - Language files were updated. Please update your plugin. It would be great if the plugin's translator could update the respective files. Thanks guys
= 1.4.14(01-08-2015) =
* Bug Fix - Issue with checkbox choices in registration form. Check details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/checkboxes-and-radio-buttons-are-now-all-required/
= 1.4.13(01-07-2015) =
* New Feature - reCaptcha improvement. Now reCaptcha works well on SSL. Check details here http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/recaptcha-doesnt-work-with-ssl/.
* Improvement - English Language files were updated.
= 1.4.12(01-06-2015) =
* Improvement - New Language has been added. Now UU has been translated to French language.
= 1.4.11(01-04-2015) =
* Improvement - Typos on Setting pages.
* Improvement - New Language has been added. Now UU has been translated to Portugues.
= 1.4.10(01-01-2015) =
* Improvement - Mod Rewrite rules features were updated. It's just a tweak for WP 4.1
* Improvement - Content loading right after body has been resolve. Check the following link for detils http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/sometimes-the-ultra-content-loads-before-the-content/
= 1.4.09(12-28-2014) =
* Improvement - Issue with password reset has been resolved. Details on the following link http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/forgot-password-link-in-email-inaccessible/
= 1.4.08(12-27-2014) =
* Improvement - Language files were updated.
* Improvement - Improvementes for WP 4.1
= 1.4.07(12-26-2014) =
* Improvement - Google Library not over SSL. See details here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/link-not-over-ssl?replies=2
* Improvement - Pagination issue on WP 4.1. We've implemented the SEO friendly pagination for members directory.
= 1.4.06(12-20-2014) =
* Improvement - The LinkedIn registration feature has been improved. Now, the "access_token" is being generated only if the user clicks on the LinkedIn button rather than generated it every time the users visit the login form.
= 1.4.05(12-18-2014) =
* Improvement - Permalink module has been improved. Since this module uses "flush_rewrite_rules" which uses lots of server resources we had to optimize this feature as much as we could. You may find some useful information here http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/flush_rewrite_rules.
* Improvement - Issue reported here with localization http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/login-dialog-headline-not-localizable/.
* Improvement - MO and PO language files for language files updated.
= 1.4.04(12-16-2014) =
* Improvement - Important issue with checkboxes, select and radio buttons has been fixed for Windows Servers. http://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/checkboxes-merging-on-one-line/. This tweak was testing on Windows Server 2008 and 2012. Please let us know if you have any prolem after the update and we will fix it ASAP.
= 1.4.03(12-15-2014) =
* Improvement - Option to autoroate image on mobiles has been improved
* Improvement - Many sql sentences were removed from the photos class. This will SQL sentences load faster now.
= 1.4.02(12-14-2014) =
* Improvement - MO and PO language files for Spanish and German updated.
* Improvement - Source code clean up.
= 1.4.01(12-11-2014) =
* Improvement - WooCommerce library has been improved.
* Improvement - reCaptcha conflict with plugin User Front Pro.
= 1.4.00(12-10-2014) =
* Improvement - Issue with Stars Rating on Users Directory has been fixed. In some themes the stars were not appearing.
* Improvement - Issue with Stars Rating on Photo Listing has been fixed. In some themes the stars were not appearing.
= 1.3.99(12-09-2014) =
* Improvement - File uploader has been tweaked. Please update.
* Improvement - CSS style sheet has been minified a little bit. That will help your webiste to load faster.
= 1.3.98(12-08-2014) =
* Improvement - CSS styles tweaks. Radio button and checkbox had a "doted" border when selecting them.
* Improvement - Spanish Language Updated.
= 1.3.97(12-07-2014) =
* Improvement - Typos issue.
* Improvement - MO and PO language files for Spanish and German updated.
* Improvement - Coding clean up.
= 1.3.96(12-06-2014) =
* Improvement - Codestyling Localization Improvement.
* Improvement - MO and PO language files were updated for the English language.
= 1.3.95(12-03-2014) =
* Improvement - Localization issue with old textdomain has been resolved.
* Improvement - MO and PO language files were updated for the English language.
= 1.3.94(12-01-2014) =
* New Feature - Email address is updated in mailchimp when the user updates his/her email.
* Improvement - Localization issue fixed.
* Improvement - MO and PO language files were updated for the English language.
= 1.3.93(11-27-2014) =
* Improvement - reCatpcha module udpate.
* Improvement - Registration form update.
= 1.3.92(11-26-2014) =
* Bug Fix - Texdomain issue has been resolve. check details on this thread https://wordpress.org/support/topic/translation-issue-19?replies=10#post-6269517.
* New Feature - Spanish language has been added. Please note: we will keep improving this language and there might be some issue with the translation. We will improve it.
= 1.3.91(11-25-2014) =
* Improvement - We have changed the style of the checkboxes and radio buttons. There were some issues overriding the UU styles, so.. we ended up adding a new style for those components. Now they use pure CSS3. Please clean your temps. It was tested on Firefox/Chrome/Opera/IE/Aurora. Just in case you need to switch back to the old styles just let us know and we will send you the styles. Or you may download the previous version from the repository.
* Improvement - MO and PO language files were updated for the English language.
= 1.3.90(11-24-2014) =
* Improvement - Rating System has been improved. Points calculations tweak
* New Feature - Package Name is displayed in the Users module of WordPress.
= 1.3.89(11-23-2014) =
* Improvement - There was an issue with the path to the style sheets and js files.
= 1.3.88(11-23-2014) =
* Improvement - MO and PO language files were updated for the English language.
* Improvement - Swedish language PO file updated.
* Improvement - German language PO file updated.
= 1.3.87(11-22-2014) =
* Improvement - Responsive style were adjusted. There were some issues when seeing the users profile on mobile devices. We've tweaked the css styles.
* Improvement - MO and PO language files were updated for the English language.
= 1.3.86(11-21-2014) =
* Improvement - reCaptcha tweak.
= 1.3.85(11-20-2014) =
* New Feature - IP number column. Now you can check the IP number of the users directly in the WP Users link.
* New Feature - Last login Time. Now you can check the last login date of the user. A new column has been added to the WP Users module.
* Improvement - Misspelling fixing.
* Improvement - MO and PO language files were updated for the English language.
= 1.3.84(11-19-2014) =
* Improvement - Code clean up.
* Improvement - We have updated Typsi library for tooltips.
* Improvement - New words were added to the english language.
= 1.3.83(11-17-2014) =
* Improvement - We've tweaked the settings tab. There was an issue with double quotations on reCaptcha text.
* New Feature - We've added 3 more "Terms&Conditions" text boxes. Now you can ask user to accept up to 4 "terms&conditions".
= 1.3.82(11-17-2014) =
* New Feature - After login hook has been added. Now you can perform your own actions right after the user has been logged in. More info here http://doc.usersultra.com/user-after-login-hook/
* Improvement - Google API tweak.
* Improvement - MO and PO language files were updated for the English language.
= 1.3.81(11-16-2014) =
* Improvement - The re-send activation link function has been improved. Although, it was working well we have tweaked because we received a complaint about the link that's built to confirm the account. Details here www.usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/user-registration-activation-link-broken/.
= 1.3.80(11-15-2014) =
* Improvement - We've improved the Users Ultra Dashboard. We moved the pages setting within the Permalink Tab. Also, we've imprlemented some other tweaks in order to make the Dashboard much more organized.
* Improvement - MO and PO language files were updated for the English language.
= 1.3.79(11-14-2014) =
* New Feature - tipsy tooltips were added to the UU Dashboard.
* Improvement - MO and PO language files were updated for the English language.
= 1.3.78(11-13-2014) =
* New Feature - New Tab has been added that will let you add your custom CSS code.
* Improvement - Admin settings section was improved. We've implemented the stripslashes function that will help to avoid issues with the quotations.
* Improvement - Activation and Confirmation link functions were improved. click here to see details
= 1.3.77(11-12-2014) =
* Improvement - CSS clash issue reported here was fixed https://wordpress.org/support/topic/registration-page-not-working-properly?replies=3
= 1.3.76(11-11-2014) =
* Improvement - Help tab has been improved.
* Improvement - MO and PO language files were updated for the English language.
* Improvement - CSS style sheet was improved and optimized. Now, it should load faster.
= 1.3.75(11-10-2014) =
* New Feature - Just like messages which have a little cute bubble to show how many messages you have, now users can see how many friends requests they have. Thanks for your suggestion Philly http://www.usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/how-many-friend-requests-do-i-have/#post-6847
= 1.3.74(11-09-2014) =
* Improvements - Social features updated.
* Improvements - MO and PO language files for english have been updated.
* Bug Fix - We have fixed and issue within the dashboard when uploading photos. It was happening only on some Explorer such as Opera
= 1.3.73(11-07-2014) =
* Improvements - There was a css clash issue with the "stars rating" module. Some themes are using background-image:none !important; for the "li", this affects directly to some elements of Users Ultra. Please avoid using "!important" within your theme.
* New Language - Users Ultra Lite has been translated to Swedish language. Thank you very much to €lger. Take a look at her profile here http://www.usersultra.com/support/profile/elger/.
= 1.3.72(11-06-2014) =
* Improvements - Some text changed and were improved within the admin dashboard. We've updated the languages files as well.
* Improvements - Coding clean up.
= 1.3.71(11-05-2014) =
* Improvements - Language files MO and PO for english language have been updated.
* Improvements - Twitter API has been updated and we've added some controls in order to avoid conflicts with other plugin using this class.
= 1.3.70(11-04-2014) =
* New Feature - Now you can exclude users from the search results. CLICK HERE TO CHECK THE DOCUMENTATION .
* Improvements - Mailchip has been improved. There was a conflict with other plugins using this library. So.. we ended up renaming the Mailchip class to MailChimp_UUltra.
= 1.3.69(11-03-2014) =
* Improvements - CSS tweaks on User's Dashboard.
* Improvements - Users Directory load speed has been improved.
= 1.3.68(11-02-2014) =
* Bug Fix - Password re-type issue. We fixed and issue in the registration form. Althoug, it was an strange issue it has been resolved. please update.
* Improvements - English Language - PO and MO file were updated.
= 1.3.67(11-01-2014) =
* Improvements - Improvements to readme text and help tab.
= 1.3.66(10-31-2014) =
* Improvements - Coding clean up.
* Improvements - New shortcode added to the HTML editor.
= 1.3.65(10-30-2014) =
* Improvements - Textdomain improvement. There were some issues when translating the plugin. Now, everything should work well.
* Improvements - PO and MO file were updated.
= 1.3.64(10-29-2014) =
* New Feature - Now You can import users by using the powerful importing tool that comes with the plugin. It doesn't matter how many extra fields you would like to import, Users Ultra will import all of them automatically.
= 1.3.63(10-27-2014) =
* Improvements - "Help" tab was updated with new shortcodes.
= 1.3.62(10-25-2014) =
* Improvements - Register process has been improved.
* New Feature - User Registration Hook has been integrated. add_action( 'user_register', 'uultra_registration_hook' ). Check this link to find out why the user register is a very useful addition to Users Ultra. http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Action_Reference/user_register.
= 1.3.61(10-23-2014) =
* Improvements - Css clash with premium theme food recipes has been fixed.
* Improvements - Star rating issue has been fixed.
= 1.3.60(10-23-2014) =
* Improvements - We've updated the language files, mo and po.
= 1.3.59(10-22-2014) =
* Bug Fix - IMPORTANT SECURITY ISSUE. A Vulnerability issue has been fixed in private messages module. PLEASE UPDATE ASAP!
= 1.3.58(10-18-2014) =
* Improvements - Coding clean up.
* Improvements - reCaptcha lib tweaks to avoid double declaration.
= 1.3.57(10-17-2014) =
* Improvements - Css clash fixed. Directory buttons text was warping outside of the button. Now it should look fine.
= 1.3.56(10-16-2014) =
* Improvements - Updates for translation files. Since WP v4 it's possible to switch your language within the WP admin panel. Please update
= 1.3.55(10-16-2014) =
* Improvements - We have optimized the images in the free version which takes almost 1.6mb off of the size of the zip file and almost 2mb off of the unzipped folder. Thanks Dot 07
= 1.3.54(10-15-2014) =
* Improvements - reCaptcha conflic with third-party plugins fixed.
= 1.3.53(10-13-2014) =
* Improvements - We have cleaned up the JS file within the admin section.
* Improvements - We have cleaned up the JS files for the front-end profile.
* Improvements - CSS tweaks for responsive design improved.
= 1.3.52(10-12-2014) =
* Improvements - Language file updates.
= 1.3.51(10-10-2014) =
* Improvements - Another reCaptcha lib tweak. Please update.
* Improvements - Language files updated.
= 1.3.50(10-08-2014) =
* Improvements - reCaptcha lib tweak. Please update.
= 1.3.49(10-07-2014) =
* Improvements - Users Ultra will automatically fix the rotation of JPEG images using PHP's EXIF extension, immediately after they are uploaded to the server. This is implemented for iPhone rotation issues. Please make sure that your turn this function on in the admin.
= 1.3.48(10-06-2014) =
* Improvements - We have tweaked some js files such as editor_plugin.js which is in the admin folder. A blank space was being added when using the shortcode button in the HTML editor.
= 1.3.47(10-05-2014) =
* New Feature - Social Fields are being formatted automatically. Now when a user inputs a facebook, google, twitter or any social information the link is built automatically.
* New Feature - Option to include hyperlink within the fiedl's label. This was asked here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/url-in-labelname-of-field?replies=3.
= 1.3.46(10-05-2014) =
* New Feature - Now you can set tooltips to each one of you custom fields. The tooltip texts will be displayed in the registration form.
= 1.3.45(10-04-2014) =
* Improvements - Language files have been updated.
* Improvements - Source code clean up.
* Improvements - Several tweaks have been implemented for the JS coding. There were some plugins and themes overriding the $ variable. Now Users Ultra uses jQuery rather than "$" in multiple functions. Please update
= 1.3.44 (10-04-2014) =
* New Feature - Now you can display a checkbox in the registration form to display Terms & Conditions Text/HTML. The user must accept terms and conditions to continue with the registration.
= 1.3.43 (10-02-2014) =
* Improvements - Country flag centering option.
* New Feature - By default the following heading is displayed when the captcha is activate Prove you're not a robot. You can set your custom heading here
= 1.3.42 (09-30-2014) =
* Improvements - Even more css tweaks in order to make Users Ultra look better on mobile devices. Enjoy !
= 1.3.41 (09-30-2014) =
* Improvements - Tweaks within the admin area.
= 1.3.40 (09-29-2014) =
* Improvements - CSS tweaks for mobile devices. Now user's dashboard, login and registration form should look better on mobiles.
= 1.3.39 (09-28-2014) =
* Improvements - There were some issues when running the plugin in Multisite installation. Although, our lite version doesn't support multisite installation the improvement should allow users to update their profiles now. It was working fine on single site installation. Since we've received some complaints about multisite installation we made the decision to tweak it. Now everything should work well. Upgrade and enjoy :) !
= 1.3.38 (09-27-2014) =
* Tweaks - Tweaks to the readme file.
= 1.3.37 (09-26-2014) =
* New Feature - Option to embed videos from different websites that offer copy/paste players.
= 1.3.36 (09-25-2014) =
* Improvements - Front-end publisher issue has been fixed. It was taken back users to login page in some WP installations.
= 1.3.35 (09-25-2014) =
* New Feature - The Social Login features have been improved. Now there is a now option within the admin panel that allows admin to automatically approve accounts when using facebook, twitter, google, yahoo etc etc.
= 1.3.34 (09-20-2014) =
* Improvements - Star Rating CSS tweak.
= 1.3.33 (09-17-2014) =
* Improvements - Another tweak to avoid the conflict with Black Studio TinyMCE Widget has been fixed.
= 1.3.32 (09-17-2014) =
* Improvements - Conflict with Black Studio TinyMCE Widget has been fixed.
= 1.3.31 (09-17-2014) =
* Bug Fix - Important bug fix in the front-end publisher. Please update.
= 1.3.30 (09-15-2014) =
* New Feature - reCaptcha has been integrated. Now you can protect your WordPress against spam.
= 1.3.29 (09-15-2014) =
* New Feature - We have enhanced the shortocode to protect content. Now you can display a blank message instead the default message "Content visible only for registered users."
= 1.3.28 (09-13-2014) =
* Bug Fix - Date Picker field has been improved since we have received some issues with some custom WP themes. Please update.
= 1.3.27 (09-11-2014) =
* New Feature - New Shortcode has been added that will allow you to include the Front-End Publisher in any page.
= 1.3.26 (09-10-2014) =
* Improvements - Login class coding clean up.
* Improvements - PO and MO files were updated.
= 1.3.24 (09-08-2014) =
* Bug Fix - Users Can Edit option has been fixed.
= 1.3.23 (09-06-2014) =
* Improvements - PO and MO files were updated.
* Improvements - Teeny editor is being displayed in the Front-End Publisher. Please update ASAP.
= 1.3.22 (09-04-2014) =
* Improvements - Po and Mo files have been updated.
= 1.3.21 (09-02-2014) =
* Improvements - New option to disable the default lightbox option included in Users Ultra.
= 1.3.20 (08-26-2014) =
* Improvements - VERY IMPORTANT- PLEASE UPGRADE. We have enhanced the login features for all common and social logins. please upgrade since there was an issue when working with multisite installations.
= 1.3.19 (08-25-2014) =
* Improvements - Language files mo and po have been updated.
= 1.3.18 (08-23-2014) =
* Improvements - Minor CSS tweaks due some css clashes.
= 1.3.17 (08-22-2014) =
* New Feature - We have improved the user's dashboard. Now the user can see the membership package, user id and registered date.
= 1.3.16 (08-19-2014) =
* Update - mo and po files have been updated. please upgrade.
= 1.3.15 (08-18-2014) =
* New Feature - We have added new options to the shortcodes in order to allow you to change the texts of the search buttion. Check this post http://wordpress.org/support/topic/strings-not-in-po-file?replies=11#post-5909497
= 1.3.14 (08-15-2014) =
* Improvements - Tweaks to the css styles, now it's compatible with salient theme. please upgrade if you're using salient. thanks
= 1.3.13 (08-15-2014) =
* Improvements - We have changed the "register_activation_hook", just to avoid conflic with other plugins. Thanks codecandid.
= 1.3.12 (08-13-2014) =
* Improvements - Tweaks to readme text, tweask to css style sheet.
= 1.3.11 (08-12-2014) =
* Improvements - Social buttons width. Now all the social buttons have the same width.
* Improvements - There was an issue with some WP themes. The fields were being displayed wrong. We've tweaked the CSS style sheet.
= 1.3.10 (08-12-2014) =
* Improvements - Please upgrade ASAP. We've improved the user registration process in order to make the user meta data table cleaner.
= 1.3.9 (08-11-2014) =
* Improvements - Minor tweaks to the coding.
= 1.3.8 (08-10-2014) =
* Improvements - Css fix and some minor bug fixing.
= 1.3.7 (08-08-2014) =
* Improvements - Now, when the users register by using a social login option they are automatically approved and they don't need to confirm their accounts.
= 1.3.6 (08-07-2014) =
* Improvements - Due some complaints we have removed the defaul font family from the plugin. this will avoid some confilc with your current theme's font family.
= 1.3.5 (08-06-2014) =
* Improvements - CSS tweaks. Now the user's dashboard looks more elegant and some font sizes has been fixed.
= 1.3.4 (08-05-2014) =
* Improvements - The admin has been improved.
= 1.3.3 (08-03-2014) =
* Improvements - A warning message will be displayed when the "My account" page is not set. This page is very important because users are taken to this page when using a social authentication method.
= 1.3.2 (08-03-2014) =
* Improvements - We have updated the language file.
= 1.3.1 (07-30-2014) =
* Improvements - Css clash issue.
= 1.3.0 (07-28-2014) =
* Improvements - Minor tweaks to the users module, we have added support for special characters within the emails.
= 1.2.9 (07-27-2014) =
* Improvements - Please upgrade, we have tweaked the plugin so it will be easier to upgrade from lite to pro.
= 1.2.8 (07-27-2014) =
* Improvements - We have improved the css within the user's dashboard. The side menu was giving some issues with some themes.
= 1.2.7 (07-26-2014) =
* New Feature - New setting has been added to guests can leave a rate without being logged in.
= 1.2.6 (07-24-2014) =
* Improvements - We have fixed some translation issues with some texts.
= 1.2.5 (07-22-2014) =
* Improvements - Minor tweaks to the plugin and we've updated the readme description.
* Bug Fix - Issue with message displayed when not selecting user profile options. Array message has been resolved
= 1.2.3 (07-20-2014) =
* Improvement - We have added a new setting to the settings page so you can choice your desired "My Account" page.
* PRO - Minor CSS tweaks.
= 1.2.2 (07-20-2014) =
* Improvement - PLEASE UPDATE ASAP. We have fixed an issue when upgrading from free to pro version. It's very important you will need to upgrade to 1.2.1 version before upgrading from free version to pro.
= 1.2.1 (07-19-2014) =
* Improvement - Newsletter and Mailchimp updates.
= 1.2.0 (07-19-2014) =
* PRO Improvement - Many budges have been added.
= 1.1.9 (07-18-2014) =
* Improvement - WooCommerce sync, Billing and Shipping country sync issue on 2.1 version.
* PRO - New Features for the pro, badges achievements, offline/onine status.
* PRO - New Feature, capability to place social connect buttons at any place of your blog.
= 1.1.8 (07-18-2014) =
* Improvement - Important Security Bug Fix. Please update ASAP.
= 1.1.7 (07-18-2014) =
* Bug Fix - When using paid membership there was not a selected package by defaul. now.. the first packages is being checked as default. PLEASE UPDATE ASAP.
= 1.1.6 (07-17-2014) =
* Tweaks - Tweaks with required fields feature.
= 1.1.5 (07-17-2014) =
* Improvement - We have removed the "hide fro public checkbox from the email address". We will be adding new setting in the admin area that will allow admin to let users make their email public or private.
= 1.1.4 (07-16-2014) =
* Improvement - Required fields tweaks, now the required fields display a "(*)"
= 1.1.3 (07-16-2014) =
* PRO - New Feature - Front end Publisher with Multiple attached pictures.
= 1.1.2 (07-15-2014) =
* PRO - Custom CSS style box has been added. Now you can add custom css coding in order to adapt Users Ultra to your theme.
= 1.1.1 (07-15-2014) =
* Improvements - Videos and Capability to hide Pro message.
= 1.1.0 (07-15-2014) =
* Improvements - CSS tweaks for some themes.
= 1.0.99 (07-15-2014) =
* PRO - Admin Dashboard Update.
= 1.0.98 (07-15-2014) =
* PRO - Pro version has been released.
* Bug Fix - Translation issues has been fixed.
= 1.0.97 (07-14-2014) =
* Bug Fix - Issue with LinkedIn API. There was a conflict between the linkedin and twitter api. Now linkedin sign should work well.
= 1.0.96 (06-23-2014) =
* New Feature - Users can change their email address through the user's panel.
= 1.0.95 (06-22-2014) =
* Bug Fix - Right col optional fields to displays was not appearing when disabling photos. Now, it works well.
* Improvements - CSS tweaks in the Social Login buttons..
= 1.0.94 (06-21-2014) =
* Improvements - Admin Account Approbation
= 1.0.93 (06-20-2014) =
* Improvements - Css Tweak, conflict with maichimp form.
* New Feature - Admin receives a notification when a new users needs approbation.
= 1.0.92 (06-20-2014) =
* Improvements - Css Tweak for another theme.
= 1.0.91 (06-18-2014) =
* Improvements - Css Tweak for theme The 7 Theme, issue with footer background.
= 1.0.90 (06-18-2014) =
* Improvements - Css Tweak for theme The 7 Theme.
= 1.0.89 (06-16-2014) =
* Improvements - We have improved the Sync features. Now, already users should be visible when making a search.
= 1.0.88 (06-13-2014) =
* Improvements - CSS conflict with some themes. The Social buttons styles had some issues with some themes. We have tweaked the CSS.
* New Feature - New "Settings" tab has been added to the users backend.
= 1.0.87 (06-12-2014) =
* New Feature - User can change password through the user dashboard.
* Bug fix - Password issue when registering. Now, the password and password confirmation must be identical.
= 1.0.86 (06-09-2014) =
* Bug fix - Logout link confirmation issue has been fixed.
= 1.0.85 (06-08-2014) =
* New Feature - Users can check their orders through their dashboard.
* Improvements - CSS We fixed clash CSS on Search box.
* Improvements - CSS Users Dashboard is wider now.
* Bug Fix - Latest Photos in My Account can be disabled now.
= 1.0.84 (06-05-2014) =
* Improvements - FB API updates.
= 1.0.83 (06-05-2014) =
* Improvements - Issue with FB registrationg. The very first time the user was not being logged in automatically.
* Improvements - Lightbox CSS issue
= 1.0.82 (06-04-2014) =
* Improvements - Custom Fields module has been tweaked. Now it refreshs everytime you rearrange the fields order.
* Update - xoousers-en_EN.po Updated.
= 1.0.81 (06-04-2014) =
* Bug Fix - Array when using checkboxes in public profiles. There as an issue when using a checkboxes as custom fields. The selected options by the users were not being displayed correctly. Now they are displayed with comma separation.
= 1.0.80 (06-03-2014) =
* Improvements - Custom fields in right colum issue. We have tweaked the users profile .
= 1.0.79 (06-01-2014) =
* Improvements - Photo galleries was affecting some themes. We have tweaked the code and CSS.
= 1.0.78 (06-01-2014) =
* Improvements - Public users profile tweaks.
= 1.0.77 (06-01-2014) =
* Improvements - Option to add custom information in the right column of the user profile by using shortcodes.
* Improvements - Option remove modules from the public profile by using shortcodes.
= 1.0.76 (05-31-2014) =
* Improvements - CSS tweaks for mobile devices, now galleries are displayed in a nicely way.
* Bug Fix - Profile Picture uploader in front-end registration form has been fixed.
= 1.0.75 (05-31-2014) =
* Improvements - Admin can set how many posts per user and block category selection.
= 1.0.74 (05-31-2014) =
* New Feature - Shortcode Option to display description and remove rating stars from public pictures.
= 1.0.73 (05-31-2014) =
* Improvements - We have tweaked the delete function for categories, it was displaying a pop up when deleting on some browsers.
= 1.0.72 (05-30-2014) =
* Improvements - Photos categories module has been added. Now photo categories won't depend on the post categories.
* Improvements - Social icons CSS tweaks.
* Improvements - Login form CSS tweak when placed in Widgets.
* Improvements - Auto Refresh when adding new fields.
* Improvements - CSS, white-space: pre-wrap; added for description in users profiles.
* Bug Fix - Inbox and Sent Message link was broken. We've fixed it .
= 1.0.71 (05-28-2014) =
* Improvements - Users Directory Improvement. We've tweaked the WP queries in order to make it faster.
= 1.0.70 (05-27-2014) =
* Improvements - Cache issue with some WP setups has been resolved by removing the version from the wp_register_script.
= 1.0.69 (05-27-2014) =
* Improvements - Checkboxes and Radio styles were changed, they were causing some issue on chrome.
= 1.0.68 (05-27-2014) =
* Improvements - CSS tweaks.
= 1.0.67 (05-27-2014) =
* New Feature - Capability to display only selected package in the payment form.
* New Feature - Capability to display a predefined message for free packages.
* New Feature - Pricing Tables are Customizables in the Membership Tab.
* Improvement - Responsive CSS styles has been modified in order to make the user profile much more mobile compatible.
* Improvement - Fontawesome tweaks, now the icons are being displayed in both, registration form and profile edition in the users backend.
* Improvement - Link to an external page has been added into the user profile.
= 1.0.66 (05-23-2014) =
* Tweaks - Tweaks to the photos module.
= 1.0.65 (05-23-2014) =
* New Feature - Example of usage of Pricing Table Shortcode in the Help Tab.
= 1.0.64 (05-23-2014) =
* New Feature - Dynamic Pricing Tables.
* New Feature - Pricing Table Shortcode within the WP editor button.
= 1.0.63 (05-21-2014) =
* Improvements - We have improved the templates structure, that way we will be able to provide more templates in the future.
= 1.0.62 (05-21-2014) =
* New Feature - Yammer Login and Registration method has been added to the Social Connections Options.
* New Feature - WooCommerce Order Status. This new feature allows users to check their order's status through Users Ultra.
* New Language - German Language mo and po files have bee included within the languages folder
= 1.0.61 (05-20-2014) =
* Bug Fix - IMPORTANT: Please update ASAP Google Sign Up Plus OAuth tweaks.
* Improvement - Users Importing Tool has been tweaked.
= 1.0.60 (05-20-2014) =
* Improvements - IMPORTANT: Due Google Sign won't work with LightOpenID anymore we have migrated the Google Authorization to OAuth 2.0. You will need to create your application at https://console.developers.google.com/project
= 1.0.59 (05-20-2014) =
* New Feature - Users Ultra creates the uploading folder with 0755 attributes automatically.
* New Feature - Users are able to delete their avatars through the user's backend.
* Bug Fix - There was an issue when editing the photo description. this has been sorted out. Please do not forget to clean your temps files in your browser since we made some changes to JS files.
= 1.0.58 (05-19-2014) =
* New Feature - Auto Sync with WooCommerce. Syncing with WooCommerce will automatically add WooCommerce customer profile fields to your Users Ultra Plugin. A quick way to have a WooCommerce account page integrated with Users Ultra.
= 1.0.57 (05-19-2014) =
* Bug Fix - Help tab has been updated.
= 1.0.56 (05-19-2014) =
* New Feature - Logout Shortcode has been added, this shortcode gives you the capability to set a custom redirection.
= 1.0.55 (05-19-2014) =
* New Feature - Custom redirection after login.
= 1.0.54 (05-18-2014) =
* New Feature - Option to Filter Users by WP Roles.
= 1.0.53 (05-18-2014) =
* Bug Fix - Photo edition has been fixed.
* New Feature - New shortcodes has been added to the Users Ultra Button in the WP editor.
* New Feature - Lightbox for User's galleries. Now the users can choice to display either photos in a single page or by using fancy lightbox gallery.
= 1.0.52 (05-17-2014) =
* Improvements - Mailchimp checkbox has been fixed. Now, the checkbox looks much more modern. Please don't forget to input your API key otherwise the checkbox is not displayed. Thanks
= 1.0.51 (05-17-2014) =
* Improvements - Please update. We have implemented some changes for the URL rewriting rules. Thanks
= 1.0.50 (05-17-2014) =
* Bug fix - We have tweaked the CSS style sheet to avoid css overlapping.
= 1.0.49 (05-17-2014) =
* Bug fix - PLESAE UPDATE. URL rewriting has been fixed.
= 1.0.48 (05-17-2014) =
* New Feature - We have added a new option within the user's dashboard that allows user to remove his/her account.
= 1.0.47 (05-16-2014) =
* New Feature - Auto-login after the account activation link is clicked.
* New Feature - Admin can Activate user when it's in "pending activation" section. IMPORTANT, please go to Notifications settings, scroll down and click "save". This is only for already users.
* Bug Fix - Re-send activation link button in dashboard has been fixed.
= 1.0.46 (05-16-2014) =
* Improvement- We have improved the users experience when activating the Plugin the very first time. Now.. the plugin won't create the default pages automatically but will ask users to create them automatically. I hope that help you guys.
= 1.0.45 (05-15-2014) =
* New Feature - We have added the capability to add a "featured image" when the user creates a post through the user dashboard.
* Bug Fix - We have fixed the issue with translations. mo and po files path were updated. The default language files in english are xoousers-en_EN.po and xoousers-en_EN.mo. Should you wish to add your translation for instance in spanish you should upload your files in languages folder with the following names xoousers-es_ES.po xoousers-es_ES.mo
= 1.0.44 (05-14-2014) =
* Bug Fix - PLEASE UPDATE ASAP. We have fixed a Javascript conflict with some popular themes that was affecting the galleries, photos and registration.
= 1.0.43 (05-13-2014) =
* Improvement - PLEASE UPDATE ASAP. The Conditional Search Form has been improved. Please update since there was a considerable change, the query performance is better now.
* Bug Fix - Checkbox issue on Users Backend has been fixed.
= 1.0.42 (05-13-2014) =
* Bug Fix - Check box not displaying when using the Fields Customizer in Front-end Registration form.
* New Feature - The "empty" fields validation has been improved, now it looks much more modern. Please don't forget to clean your temp files since there were changes on JS and CSS files.
* Improvement - Required fields legend was added. That way users will know what fields are required before clicking the submit button.
= 1.0.41 (05-12-2014) =
* Improvement - Mini Profile is displayed when user is logged in and clicks on registration link.
* Improvement -Password Reset has been Improved.
= 1.0.40 (05-11-2014) =
* Bug Fix - Remember Password checkbox wasn't being displayed. We've tweaked the CSS.
* Improvement- Radio buttons displayed when using Paid Subscrition at Registration Page were improved, now they look much more moderns.
* Improvement- Conditional Seach Box is being added the first time you install the plugin automatically.
= 1.0.39 (05-11-2014) =
* Bu Fix - Solid line in comments at dasshboard has been removed.
= 1.0.38 (05-11-2014) =
* Improvement - We have tweaked the option to make profiles visible to guests and non-logged in users.
= 1.0.37 (05-10-2014) =
* Bug Fix - bbPress 2.5.3 issue conflict with the admin menu has been fixed.
= 1.0.36 (05-10-2014) =
* Bug Fix - bbPress menu conflict.
* Bug Fix - Conflict with WooCommerce and jQuery 1.9.
= 1.0.35 (05-09-2014) =
* Bug Fix - Shorcode to disable features has been improved.
= 1.0.34 (05-09-2014) =
* Bug Fix - Issue with rounded avatars has been fixed.
= 1.0.33 (05-09-2014) =
* Bug Fix - jQuery Migration Issue.
* Bug Fix - We've removed some php "Notice" messages.
* Improvement - New option to delete messages.
* Improvement - The look of the Messaging System has been improved, we have changed.
= 1.0.32 (05-09-2014) =
* Improvement - New options has been added to the [usersultra_my_account] shortcode that will allow you to disable modules such as: Messaging, Photos, Posts etc. We ended up using Shortcodes rather than adding an option in the WP admin because Shortcodes won't touch the Database. Please check the help tab to see and example. Enjoy!
* Bug Fix - CSS Tweak for Youtube videos.
= 1.0.31 (05-08-2014) =
* Bug Fix - Option to hide fields in the users panel has been fixed.
= 1.0.30 (05-08-2014) =
* Improvement - We have improved the CCS styling for checkbox and radio buttons. We hope you like it. Please update and refresh your browser.
= 1.0.29 (05-07-2014) =
* Improvement - Private Messaging Sytem has been improved, undred messages are being highlighted and the conversation is being displayed in a organized way.
* Bug Fix - We fixed the close button when editing a gallery in the user panel.
= 1.0.28 (05-07-2014) =
* Improvement - We have improved the social login and registration options. Also, we have updated Light OpenID library. The new method we're implementing will save a lot of server resources.
= 1.0.27 (05-05-2014) =
* Bug Fix - Social icons in profile and directory issue has been sorted out. Please update
= 1.0.26 (05-05-2014) =
* Bug Fix - Avatar alignment on WildCommunit theme.
= 1.0.25 (05-05-2014) =
* New Feature - New Tab has been added with many helpful shortcodes.
= 1.0.24 (05-03-2014) =
* New Feature - A new feature to import users by using CSV file has been added. You can set some nice actions that will be triggered as soon as the importing has been finished. Enjoy!
= 1.0.23 (05-02-2014) =
* Improvement - The Private Messaging system has been improved. Now, a red cyrcle is displayed in the navigator menu in the users dashboard. Also, the conversation has been organized in much more clear way.
* Improvement - Now the user can mark a message as read and unread individualy.
* Bug Fix - We've fixed a bug in the "Fields" tab, within the admin section. Please clean temp files and update.
= 1.0.22 (05-01-2014) =
* Improvement - SQL queries improvements, comments to functions, coding cleaning up.
= 1.0.21 (04-30-2014) =
* Improvement - Yahoo and Google Connect use OpenID. Sometimes a warning message was being displayed at the screen when using the login and registration shortocodes. We've updated the code to sort that out.
= 1.0.20 (04-30-2014) =
* Improvement - After many researching we have implemented again the option to create the "upload" folder again. We think this is a good feature for people that don't have ftp credentials. Thanks
= 1.0.19 (04-29-2014) =
* Bug Fix - We have removed the option to create the "photos" folder automatically. You would need to use a ftp client and create it manually. The main reason is that wp-content needs to have 777 privileges. Since 777 privileges is not recommended we have removed this option. Please post a question in the forum if you need help to create the "photos" folder. Thanks
= 1.0.18 (04-29-2014) =
* Improvement - New option in the Users Ultra Dashboard to create the upload folder automatically.
* Improvement - PO file for translation has been updated.
= 1.0.17 (04-29-2014) =
* Bug Fix - 404 error when including the datapicker styles.
= 1.0.16 (04-26-2014) =
* Improvement - Content Protection Shortcodes have been added to the editor.
= 1.0.15 (04-25-2014) =
* Bug Fix - Uninstall has been fixed, now it removes all plugin's tables.
= 1.0.14 (04-25-2014) =
* Improvement - Search Box Shortcode added to WP post editor.
= 1.0.13 (04-24-2014) =
* Improvement - Lightbox added to users dashboard.
* Bug Fix - Removed warning message when submiting a post through the users backend.
= 1.0.12 (04-23-2014) =
* Improvement - Admin Dashboard Improvement.
= 1.0.11 =
* Fixed upload folders permissions.
= 1.0.10 =
* Private Messages System Improved.
* Fixed - Members Directory.
= 1.0.9 =
* Initial Release.